Sunday, October 18, 2009

I know, I'm lame. But I have a reason

Sorry, I've been quite a slacker. I figured I would keep up on facebook or something. However, I really want to keep this blog going so I need to be better at keeping it up to date. What haven't I done the past 6 months or so? I was just certified as a personal trainer so that took up a lot of my time. Kiki learned how to swim this summer and likes to pretend she is a mermaid. Kiki and Kali go to dance class and love it. Kiki started pre-school and is learning so much. Kali also learns from her sister repeating everything. Kali is potty trained, knows how to spell her name, her sister's name, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. We have traveled a ton this year and need to slow it down next year. Brian is doing well in his job and traveling a lot, still HOA President and just got a calling at church to be on the activities committee. I am busy every week going back and forth to appts., play dates, class, dance, and fun time for me. But the most important news is that we are expecting our third and final child in February. And we made a boy! Yeah! His big sisters are so excited for his arrival. I feel great and am still able to run 2 miles a day. I will post more details and photos soon...I hope. But that is our life in a nutshell. We are very blessed and thankful for our lives and the people we share them with.

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