Since this was my last pregnancy, I decided to do some pregnancy photos. Why not? Karen Edwards is a wonderful photographer and I had fun with it. We had a lot of great pictures, but I didn't want to overwhelm you with all of them. Here are some of my favorite shots.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Our "little" Bro Bro
I'm not so good at this blogging thing since I haven't done it in awhile so I uploaded my pictures backwards and I'm too lazy to change them. So there!
Brody has been a HUGE change in our lives. It's nice to have a little man around the house...but little, he is not. My 8 month old son is pushing 23lbs and never sits still. He is crawling and likes to make himself known. His sisters love him and can never seem to stay out of his personal space. He has been my most challenging baby, but I'm not going to complain right now. Every time he smiles and grabs my face to give me a kiss, my heart melts. That's what it's all about. We are thrilled to have him in our lives and even though Brian and I are walking zombies half the time, we are blessed to have such a gift as our BBD.

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Brody Brian Drennan
My baby boy was born on February 15, 2010 at 6:15pm. He was 7lbs 9oz and 19 in long. All of the photos are still on my camera so here are a couple shots I had. More pics of my sweet baby to come. By the way, he is now twice his birth weight and filled out quickly.
Party like it's 1989
We went to re-live our teen years by going to see MC Hammer, Tone Loc, and Young MC in concert last summer. We had so much fun dancing to our old favorites.
Girls "night" out- Pool Party
All mothers need a little R&R, so our wonderful hubbys gave us a day off. We spent the day at the pool at the Palms Casino. We laughed, ate, swam, soaked in the sun, and hung out. We had so much fun we wanted to do it again. Then lives got busy and half of us got pregnant. We will always have the Palms!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I know, I'm lame. But I have a reason
Sorry, I've been quite a slacker. I figured I would keep up on facebook or something. However, I really want to keep this blog going so I need to be better at keeping it up to date. What haven't I done the past 6 months or so? I was just certified as a personal trainer so that took up a lot of my time. Kiki learned how to swim this summer and likes to pretend she is a mermaid. Kiki and Kali go to dance class and love it. Kiki started pre-school and is learning so much. Kali also learns from her sister repeating everything. Kali is potty trained, knows how to spell her name, her sister's name, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. We have traveled a ton this year and need to slow it down next year. Brian is doing well in his job and traveling a lot, still HOA President and just got a calling at church to be on the activities committee. I am busy every week going back and forth to appts., play dates, class, dance, and fun time for me. But the most important news is that we are expecting our third and final child in February. And we made a boy! Yeah! His big sisters are so excited for his arrival. I feel great and am still able to run 2 miles a day. I will post more details and photos soon...I hope. But that is our life in a nutshell. We are very blessed and thankful for our lives and the people we share them with.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Virginia- here we come
Our good friends, the Burns family, moved to Virginia a few years ago so we decided to go visit them. We had a blast. We took the kids to see a movie, saw the Easter Bunny, went to a children's museum in Baltimore, and went dancing in D.C. The girls did pretty well on the 5 hour airplane ride. However, Kali started to throw up an hour before we landed and then continued the rest of the night. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep. Poor Kali, she caught something and didn't eat much the whole time. She was in her usual spirits and enjoyed playing with Ainslee and Nolan. It was great seeing places we haven't been and introducing our children to new things. Before our kids turn 2 they have been to 7 different states. I'm glad they are easy to travel with and friends in fun places to visit.
Rachel came to town, yeah!
I was so excited my younger sister came to visit me. She came during the week so she got to live my "stay at home Mom" life. We went to the gym, store, played with the kids, made meals, baths, the fun stuff. However, we did get to go out and have some fun. We went to Target and got candy! I know, we are rebels. We did go to a show- Tony and Tina's Wedding. You go to a mock Italian wedding where you are the guest and the actors are the wedding party. There was even a celebrity guest...wait for it...Kato Kalyn! Who? Well lets just say he was OJ Simpson's roommate when he allegedly killed his wife. I guess that makes you a celebrity. We had so much fun and everyone there referred to us as "the sisters." We danced and had lots of fun. I did get some slack from a groomsman who couldn't believe I would take my sister to the gym when she came to visit me in Las Vegas. I said it was my normal daytime routine and the kids love to go. Then he couldn't believe I had two young kids with "my waistline." He also thought I was 24. And that is why I go to the gym. Ahhh, he made my day. Anyway, I must say I am proud of Rachel keeping up with my friend and I running that week. Rachel plays soccer but doesn't run long distances. She ran 2 1/2 miles one day and about 3 miles the next. She did a great job, go Rachel. We also got to have lunch with our cousin Stephanie who Rachel hasn't seen in years. We had a great at lunch and it was nice to all be together. I always love it when Auntie Rachie visits.
This was the first year both girls were excited about Easter eggs and baskets. It was fun dying the eggs and decorating them. They also loved hunting for the eggs and getting Easter baskets. Of course we did have to let them know the true meaning of Easter and why we celebrate it. They don't quite understand now, but one day they will. I was able to dress the girls in the Easter dresses from last year since it seems my kids don't grow very fast. It's the Filipino in them.
Dying eggs
Finished product
Easter Morning
Egg Hunt
My baby turned 2!
I can't believe that Kallissa turned two. We went to Sacramento for my cousin, Suzanne's, wedding so we had a little party for her at my parents home. We also sang "Happy Birthday" to my younger bro, Mickey, who shares a bday with Kali. In town we had a few of Kali's "lunch group" friends over for her birthday. She had fun and loved eating her cake. Her are a few photos from that. 
Kali & Uncle Mickey
Uncle Mickey had lots of candles
Coach Purse lineup
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Who Done it? Oh, it was me!
Brian and I went to a How-to-Host-a-Murder party Saturday night. It was a 1920's Chicago theme and Brian was a golfer/gambler and I was a club owner/Madam. It was fun to dress the part and pretend you are a character. No one knows who the killer is until the very end. It ended up being me. This is a great way to throw a costume dinner party with your friends. We all had so much fun.
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